arley House is a transitional shelter/residence for mothers with up to two children, accommodating up to  21 one households.

Residents of Farley House receive the following services:

  • Shelter in furnished one-bedroom apartments
  • Case management including assistance with finding long-term affordable housing
  • Access to the Computer Lab
  • Access to life skills workshops and parenting classes
  • Dedicated children, teen and famiy programs
  • Advocacy and support for family reunification
  • Referrals to potential housing subsidies
  • Aftercare

We maintain partnerships with a variety of other agency and organizations to ensure that we are providing the best absolute care and resources to the families that we serve. We continue to partner with PATH-Beyond Shelter in order to connect the families to their family rapid-rehousing program. This partnership is crucial in helping clients enter into permanent housing and helps the client maintain their housing as well.

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