hristmas inspires charitable giving. During the month of December, we receive numerous calls and emails from people wanting to gift our residents with food, clothes and toys. We wish to express a sincere thank you to those that participate in our Adopt-A-Family/Adopt-Resident Program or provide gifts to Good Shepherd Center to ensure that our residents have a warm and blessed Christmas.

Despite intense measures to reduce the number of homelessness in Los Angeles, the homeless count continues to rise. There was an increase of nearly 1/2 % in Los Angeles County and 5% in the city of Los Angeles, according to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority count taken in January 2016. The homeless count for Los Angeles County is 46,874 with 11,860 being in Metro LA (the area served by Good Shepherd Center). During times of crisis, women and children look to Good Shepherd Center to provide a safe, nurturing environment. If we are to accomplish our goal to end the cycle of homelessness, the need to provide additional support is greater than ever.

To help fill the increasing need for goods and services, and assure a greater success rate, this year we are celebrating Christmas in July. Just as we do with our Adopt A Family/Adopt A Resident Program, we are inviting you to participate in our Christmas in July Program. This summer, please consider making a monetary donation to Good Shepherd Center. Your contribution will remind a homeless person of how much you care.

Help Us Celebrate Christmas in July

  • $10,000 – Provides housing and services for four women at Languille Emergency Shelter for 12 weeks.
  • $5,000 – Underwrites The Village Kitchen Culinary Arts Training program for one week.
  • $2,500 – Provides new bedding and basic kitchen items for five women moving into permanent housing.
  • $1,000 – Provides undergarments for 100 women living at Languille Emergency Shelter.
  • $500 – Ensures that, for one week, the Outreach van will visit the homeless women living on the streets of Los Angeles.
  • $100 – Provides groceries for one family living on Good Shepherd Center’s campus.
  • $50 – Provides food, toiletries and services for three women through the Drop in Center at Languille Emergency Shelter.

For more information, please call (213) 482-1834 or email [email protected]. Your contribution can help ensure the sustainability of Good Shepherd Center.

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